Spend less time doing paperwork and more time with your patients. Use Eurosign's electronic signature to simplify the collection of healthcare data by allowing your patients and doctors to sign and send information from any device and at any time, all while maintaining the confidentiality and the security of their information.
Enjoy access to medical records from any device enabling you to make all the changes you need whenever necessary, and with ease.
Discover how all the features of Eurosign's electronic signatures are designed to facilitate the daily processing of documents and accelerate your workflow.
Maintain the all-important confidentiality of your patients when sharing documents by using Eurosign's secure and legally backed document sharing and electronic signature platform.
Store your patients' medical documents, insurance information, and any consent forms all in one safe and secure location with Eurosign's legally backed and verifiable document archiving service that guarantees your documents are only accessible to you.
Maintain patient medical records for as long as necessary securely and safely with Eurosign's document archiving service. By utilizing this service your records will records will be timestamped and electronically sealed.
Create templates for common medical forms and have them ready for your doctors, nurses, and patients to fill out and sign whenever necessary.
Eurosign helps you expand your company while simplifying your workload
What are you waiting for? Let's get digital!